8  Answers


Luis Valente

8.1 Example of how to extract data for Jamaica species from the Insula tree, add missing species, fit DAISIE models and run simulations.

8.1.1 Load required packages

rm(list = ls())

8.1.2 Load tree

Insula_tree <- read.nexus("data/Insula.tre")

Visualise tree (easier to use Figtree!)


8.2 Prepare data using DAISIEprep

Look in the checklist to see which species occur on Jamaica. Specify tips corresponding to Jamaica species by specifying that they are endemic and/or non-endemic to the island:

island_species <- data.frame(
  tip_labels = c("Spec_29",
  tip_endemicity_status = c(rep("endemic",14),"nonendemic"))

Assign island endemicity status to all species in the dataset (including the non-Jamaican species)

endemicity_status <- create_endemicity_status(
  phylo = Insula_tree,
  island_species = island_species

Add endemicity status to the phylogeny

phylod <- phylobase::phylo4d(Insula_tree, endemicity_status)

Visualize this on the tree

plot_phylod(phylod = phylod)

Extract data from the phylogeny using the min algorithm

island_tbl_min <- extract_island_species(
  phylod = phylod,
  extraction_method = "min"
Class:  Island_tbl 
  clade_name     status missing_species  col_time col_max_age branching_times
1     Spec_9    endemic               0 0.2892541       FALSE              NA
2    Spec_19    endemic               0 0.4972437       FALSE    0.207998....
3    Spec_24 nonendemic               0 0.1694692       FALSE              NA
4    Spec_25    endemic               0 0.5035954       FALSE    0.165789....
5    Spec_29    endemic               0 0.1166231       FALSE              NA
  min_age      species clade_type
1      NA       Spec_9          1
2      NA Spec_19,....          1
3      NA      Spec_24          1
4      NA Spec_25,....          1
5      NA      Spec_29          1

Extract data from the phylogeny using the ancestral state algorithm

phylod <- add_asr_node_states(phylod = phylod, asr_method = "mk")
plot_phylod(phylod = phylod)

island_tbl_asr <- extract_island_species(
  phylod = phylod,
  extraction_method = "asr"
Class:  Island_tbl 
  clade_name     status missing_species  col_time col_max_age branching_times
1     Spec_9    endemic               0 0.2892541       FALSE              NA
2    Spec_19    endemic               0 0.4972437       FALSE    0.207998....
3    Spec_24 nonendemic               0 0.1694692       FALSE              NA
4    Spec_25    endemic               0 0.5035954       FALSE    0.165789....
5    Spec_29    endemic               0 0.1166231       FALSE              NA
  min_age      species clade_type
1      NA       Spec_9          1
2      NA Spec_19,....          1
3      NA      Spec_24          1
4      NA Spec_25,....          1
5      NA      Spec_29          1

Compare 2 options:

[1] TRUE

As you can see, the results of the 2 extractions (min and asr) are exactly the same in this case, so we can use either for the subsequent analyses.

8.2.1 Add missing species

Add missing species “Spec_51”, which is not closely related to any species

island_tbl <- island_tbl_min
island_tbl <- add_island_colonist(
  island_tbl = island_tbl,
  clade_name = "Spec_51",
  status = "endemic",
  missing_species = 0,
  col_time = NA_real_,
  col_max_age = FALSE,
  branching_times = NA_real_,
  min_age = NA_real_,
  clade_type = 1,
  species = "Spec_51"

An alternative is to set the colonisation time to be younger than the mainland clade it is related to, by setting col_time to the age you choose and setting col_max_age=TRUE to tell DAISIE that is a maximum age for colonisation.

Add missing species Spec_52, closely related to Spec_42

island_tbl <- add_missing_species(
  island_tbl = island_tbl,
  num_missing_species = 1, 
  species_to_add_to = "Spec_42"

Create DAISIE datalist

insula_data_list <- create_daisie_data(
  data = island_tbl,
  island_age = 5,
  num_mainland_species = 1000,
  precise_col_time = TRUE

8.3 Fit DAISIE models to data

Fit model with 5 parameters

  datalist = insula_data_list,
  initparsopt = c(1.5,1.1,20,0.009,1.1),
  ddmodel = 11,
  idparsopt = 1:5,
  parsfix = NULL,
  idparsfix = NULL
  lambda_c       mu       K      gamma lambda_a    loglik df conv
1 5.859948 7.770723 3707849 0.02505749 3.234032 -37.10764  5    0

Fit model with no carrying capacity

  datalist = insula_data_list,
  initparsopt = c(1.5,1.1,0.009,1.1),
  idparsopt = c(1,2,4,5),
  parsfix = Inf,
  idparsfix = 3,
  lambda_c       mu   K      gamma lambda_a    loglik df conv
1 5.901964 7.820509 Inf 0.02522255 3.198683 -37.10743  4    0

Fit model with no anagenesis (optional)

  datalist = insula_data_list,
  initparsopt = c(1.5,1.1,0.009),
  idparsopt = c(1,2,4),
  parsfix = c(Inf,0),
  idparsfix = c(3,5),
  lambda_c       mu   K      gamma lambda_a    loglik df conv
1 6.740009 8.743373 Inf 0.02747074        0 -37.30009  3    0

Save model results in a table

model_results <- rbind(M1,M2,M3)
  lambda_c       mu       K      gamma lambda_a    loglik df conv
1 5.859948 7.770723 3707849 0.02505749 3.234032 -37.10764  5    0
2 5.901964 7.820509     Inf 0.02522255 3.198683 -37.10743  4    0
3 6.740009 8.743373     Inf 0.02747074 0.000000 -37.30009  3    0

Create AIC function for model comparison

AIC_compare <- function(LogLik,k){
  aic <- (2 * k) - (2 * LogLik)

Compute AIC for all the models

AICs <- AIC_compare(c(M1$loglik,M2$loglik,M3$loglik),c(M1$df,M2$df,M3$df))
names(AICs) <- c('M1','M2','M3')
      M1       M2       M3 
84.21527 82.21486 80.60018 

In this case, the preferred model is M3.

8.4 Simulate islands based on parameters from preferred model

Run simulations

Insula_sims <- DAISIE_sim(
  time = 4,
  M = 1000,
  pars = as.numeric(M3[1:5]),
  replicates = 100,
  verbose = 1,
  plot_sims = FALSE)

Plot simulations


It looks like Insula diversity in the island of Jamaica is at a dynamic equilibrium.