1 Installation
You can install the released version of DAISIEmainland from github with:
# install.packages("remotes") # install remotes package if not installed
The DAISIEmainland
package has several dependencies (the entire list can be
found in the DESCRIPTION file). Most of these are on CRAN and can be installed with
. However, the DAISIE
package (Etienne et al. 2022) requires
a more up-to-date version than available on CRAN and need to be installed from github:
Load the DAISIEmainland
package with the library()
function. This will also
load the package dependencies, specifically the DAISIE
package which will be
used later on for parameter estimation by fitting maximum likelihood models.
is currently not hosted on CRAN and thus cannot be installed
using install.packages()
The package was developed using R version >= 4. Therefore, it is recommended to
use an R version at least as recent as R 4.0.0. The package is tested using
continuous integration on the release version of R and the development version
of R. Therefore, any issues with running DAISIEmainland
functions on older
versions of R will not be patched.