In the {ExtendDataFrames} package we need to create a class. For this
example, We have created the <birthdays>
class. It is
very simple, fundamentally the class just needs two columns, with column
names: name
and birthday
. The names must be
exact (i.e. case- and plural-sensitive), but we’ll come back to this
aspect later. The role of the class – and it’s important that a
well-designed class has a role, otherwise just using the build in data
frame will probably suffice – is to store the name of a person and their
For a full explaination of the functions used in this vignette, look at the source code and see the other vignette.
We can create a <birthdays>
object by calling the
class constructor. First we create a data frame that can be converted to
a <birthdays>
object and pass that to the
constructor, which is called birthdays()
. In other R
packages class constructors may be called
, build_[class-name]()
, or
df <- data.frame(
name = c("kevin", "stacey"),
birthday = c(as.Date("2001-01-01"), as.Date("2002-01-02"))
birthdays <- birthdays(df)
#> A `birthdays` object with 2 rows and 2 cols
We can check whether our new object has been assigned the correct class attribute.
#> [1] "birthdays" "data.frame"
#> $names
#> [1] "name" "birthday"
#> $class
#> [1] "birthdays" "data.frame"
#> $row.names
#> [1] 1 2
The benefit of extending the data frame class is we inherit all of
the methods already written for data frames, and can overwrite
(overload) these methods with our own custom
methods. We have written a custom
) method and will
use the inherited summary()
and str()
#> A `birthdays` object with 2 rows and 2 cols
#> name birthday
#> Length:2 Min. :2001-01-01
#> Class :character 1st Qu.:2001-04-02
#> Mode :character Median :2001-07-03
#> Mean :2001-07-03
#> 3rd Qu.:2001-10-02
#> Max. :2002-01-02
#> Classes 'birthdays' and 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 2 variables:
#> $ name : chr "kevin" "stacey"
#> $ birthday: Date, format: "2001-01-01" "2002-01-02"
The print method returns invisibly which we can check:
tmp <- print(birthdays)
#> A `birthdays` object with 2 rows and 2 cols
identical(tmp, birthdays)
#> [1] TRUE
We can also write custom methods that are not already defined, in
other words do not already have a defined generic function. Here we
write a birthdays_per_month()
method which does as it says
on the tin.
#> Jan
#> 2
The <birthdays>
class is validated upon
construction and can also be validated interactively when working with
validate_birthdays(birthdays[1, ])
try(validate_birthdays(birthdays[, 1]))
#> Removing crucial column in `<birthdays>` returning `<data.frame>`
#> Error in validate_birthdays(birthdays[, 1]) :
#> input must contain 'name' and 'birthday' columns
birthdays$age <- seq_len(nrow(birthdays))
For a full explanation of the behaviour in the above code chunk see the other vignette.
Other methods for the class can also be added, for example:
#> num_coincidence prob_coincindence
#> 0.000000000 0.002739726
Another example of making a class with randomised names and birthdays:
df <- data.frame(
name = randomNames::randomNames(10),
birthday = sample(
x = seq.Date(
from = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
to = as.Date("2022-01-01"),
by = 1),
size = 10
birthdays <- birthdays(df)
#> A `birthdays` object with 10 rows and 2 cols
#> name birthday
#> 1 Holiday, Brianna 2020-09-08
#> 2 Ramirez, Rachel 2020-09-11
#> 3 el-Radi, Isaam 2021-11-28
#> 4 Ranzinger, Pantea 2020-05-08
#> 5 Soto Reyes, Elexsis 2021-09-25
#> 6 Reynolds, Jaylen 2021-05-14
#> 7 Jundt, Andrew 2020-05-30
#> 8 el-Sabet, Taaliba 2021-12-16
#> 9 Sur, Yo Han 2021-06-02
#> 10 Lacota, Anissa 2021-08-02