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In the {ExtendDataFrames} package we need to create a class. For this example, We have created the <birthdays> class. It is very simple, fundamentally the class just needs two columns, with column names: name and birthday. The names must be exact (i.e. case- and plural-sensitive), but we’ll come back to this aspect later. The role of the class – and it’s important that a well-designed class has a role, otherwise just using the build in data frame will probably suffice – is to store the name of a person and their birthday.

For a full explaination of the functions used in this vignette, look at the source code and see the other vignette.

We can create a <birthdays> object by calling the class constructor. First we create a data frame that can be converted to a <birthdays> object and pass that to the constructor, which is called birthdays(). In other R packages class constructors may be called new_[class-name](), build_[class-name](), or similar.

df <- data.frame(
  name = c("kevin", "stacey"),
  birthday = c(as.Date("2001-01-01"), as.Date("2002-01-02"))
birthdays <- birthdays(df)
#> A `birthdays` object with 2 rows and 2 cols

We can check whether our new object has been assigned the correct class attribute.

#> [1] "birthdays"  "data.frame"
#> $names
#> [1] "name"     "birthday"
#> $class
#> [1] "birthdays"  "data.frame"
#> $row.names
#> [1] 1 2

The benefit of extending the data frame class is we inherit all of the methods already written for data frames, and can overwrite (overload) these methods with our own custom <birthday> methods. We have written a custom print() (print.birthdays()) method and will use the inherited summary() and str() methods.

#> A `birthdays` object with 2 rows and 2 cols
#>      name              birthday         
#>  Length:2           Min.   :2001-01-01  
#>  Class :character   1st Qu.:2001-04-02  
#>  Mode  :character   Median :2001-07-03  
#>                     Mean   :2001-07-03  
#>                     3rd Qu.:2001-10-02  
#>                     Max.   :2002-01-02
#> Classes 'birthdays' and 'data.frame':    2 obs. of  2 variables:
#>  $ name    : chr  "kevin" "stacey"
#>  $ birthday: Date, format: "2001-01-01" "2002-01-02"

The print method returns invisibly which we can check:

tmp <- print(birthdays)
#> A `birthdays` object with 2 rows and 2 cols
identical(tmp, birthdays)
#> [1] TRUE

We can also write custom methods that are not already defined, in other words do not already have a defined generic function. Here we write a birthdays_per_month() method which does as it says on the tin.

#> Jan 
#>   2

The <birthdays> class is validated upon construction and can also be validated interactively when working with it:


validate_birthdays(birthdays[1, ])

try(validate_birthdays(birthdays[, 1]))
#> Removing crucial column in `<birthdays>` returning `<data.frame>`
#> Error in validate_birthdays(birthdays[, 1]) : 
#>   input must contain 'name' and 'birthday' columns

birthdays$age <-  seq_len(nrow(birthdays))

For a full explanation of the behaviour in the above code chunk see the other vignette.

Other methods for the class can also be added, for example:

#>   num_coincidence prob_coincindence 
#>       0.000000000       0.002739726

Another example of making a class with randomised names and birthdays:

df <- data.frame(
  name = randomNames::randomNames(10),
  birthday = sample(
    x = seq.Date(
      from = as.Date("2020-01-01"),
      to = as.Date("2022-01-01"),
      by = 1),
    size = 10
birthdays <- birthdays(df)
#> A `birthdays` object with 10 rows and 2 cols
#>                   name   birthday
#> 1     Holiday, Brianna 2020-09-08
#> 2      Ramirez, Rachel 2020-09-11
#> 3       el-Radi, Isaam 2021-11-28
#> 4    Ranzinger, Pantea 2020-05-08
#> 5  Soto Reyes, Elexsis 2021-09-25
#> 6     Reynolds, Jaylen 2021-05-14
#> 7        Jundt, Andrew 2020-05-30
#> 8    el-Sabet, Taaliba 2021-12-16
#> 9          Sur, Yo Han 2021-06-02
#> 10      Lacota, Anissa 2021-08-02