Custom class and {dplyr} compatibility
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Extending Data Frames in R
R is a commonly used language for data science and statistical
computing. Foundational to this is having data structures that allow
manipulation of data with minimal effort and cognitive load. One of the
most commonly required data structures is tabular data. This can be
represented in R in a few ways, for example a matrix or a data frame.
The data frame (class data.frame
) is a flexible tabular
data structure, as it can hold different data types (e.g. numbers,
character strings, etc.) across different columns. This is in contrast
to matrices – which are arrays with dimensions – and thus can only hold
a single data type.
# data frame can hold heterogeneous data types across different columns
data.frame(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(4, 5, 6), c = c("a", "b", "c"))
#> a b c
#> 1 1 4 a
#> 2 2 5 b
#> 3 3 6 c
# each column must be of the same type
df <- data.frame(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c("4", 5, 6))
# be careful of the silent type conversion
#> [1] 1 2 3
#> [1] "4" "5" "6"
mat <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 1 4 7
#> [2,] 2 5 8
#> [3,] 3 6 9
mat[1, 1] <- "1"
# be careful of the silent type conversion
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] "1" "4" "7"
#> [2,] "2" "5" "8"
#> [3,] "3" "6" "9"
Data frames can even be nested, cells can be data frames or lists.
df <- data.frame(a = "w", b = "x")
df[1, 1][[1]] <- list(c = c("y", "z"))
#> a b
#> 1 y, z x
df <- data.frame(a = "w", b = "x")
df[1, 1][[1]] <- list(data.frame(c = "y", d = "z"))
#> a b
#> 1 y, z x
It is therefore clear why data frames are so prevalent. However, they
are not without limitations. They have a relatively basic printing
method which can fload the R console when the number of columns or rows
is large. They have useful methods (e.g., summary()
), but these might not be appropriate for certain
types of tabular data. In these cases it is useful to utilise R’s
inheritance mechanisms (specifically S3 inheritance) to write extensions
for R’s data.frame
class. In this case the data frame is
the superclass and the new subclass extends it and inherits its methods
(see Adv R1 for more details on S3 inheritance).
One of the most common extension of the data frame is the
from the {tibble} R package. Outlined in {tibble}‘s
’Tibbles’ vignette2, tibble
s offer improvements in
printing, subsetting and recycling rules. Another commonly used data
frame extension is the data.table
class from the
{data.table} R package 3. In addition to the improved printing, this
class is designed to improve the performance (i.e. speed and efficiency
of operations and storage) of working with tabular data in R and provide
a terse syntax for manipulation.
In the process of developing R software (most likely an R package), a new tabular data class that builds atop data frames can become beneficial. This blog post has two main sections:
- a brief overview of the steps required to setup a class that extends data frames
- guide to the technical aspects of class invariants and design and implementation decisions, and tidyverse compatibility
Writing a custom data class
It is useful to write a class constructor function that can be called to create an object of your new class. The functions define below are a redacted version (for readability) of functions defined in this package.
birthdays <- function(x) {
# the vector of classes is required for it to inherit from `data.frame`
structure(x, class = c("birthdays", "data.frame"))
That’s all that’s needed to create a subclass of a data frame. However, although we’ve created the class we haven’t given it any functionality and thus it will be identical to a data frame due to inheritance.
We can now write as many methods as we want. Here we will show two methods, one of which does not require writing a generic and the second that does. See Adv R4 and this Epiverse blog post5 to find out more about S3 generics.
print.birthdays <- function(x, ...) {
"A `birthdays` object with %s rows and %s cols",
dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2]
birthdays_per_month <- function(x, ...) {
birthdays_per_month.birthdays <- function(x, ...) {
out <- table(lubridate::month(x$birthday))
months <- c(
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
names(out) <- months[as.numeric(names(out))]
Useful resources for the “Writing custom data class” section:
Design decision around class invariants
Moving onto the second section of the post, in which we discuss the design choices when creating and using S3 classes in R. Class invariants are members of your class that define it. In other words, without these elements your class does not fulfil its basic definition. It is therefore sensible to make sure that your class contains these elements at all times (or at least after operations have been applied to your class). In cases when the class object contains all the invariants normal service can be continued. However, in the case that an invariant is missing or modified to a non-conformist type (e.g. a date converted to a numeric) a decision has to be made. Either the code can error, hopefully giving the user an informative message as to why their modification broke the object; alternatively, the subclass can be revoked and the superclass can be returned. In almost all cases the superclass (i.e. the base class being inherited from) is more general and won’t have the same class invariant restrictions.
For our example class, <birthdays>
, the invariants
are a column called name
which must contain characters, and
a column called birthday
which must contain dates. The
order of the rows and columns is not considered an invariant property,
and having extra columns with other names and data types is also
allowed. The number of rows is also not an invariant as we can have as
many birthdays as we like in the data object.
Here we present both cases as well as considerations and technical
details of both options. We’ll demonstrate both of these cases with the
subset function in R (subsetting uses a single square bracket for
tabular data, [
). First the fail-on-subsetting. Before we
write the subsetting function it is useful to have a function that
checks that an object of our class is valid, a so-called validator
validate_birthdays <- function(x) {
"input must contain 'name' and 'birthday' columns" =
all(c("name", "birthday") %in% colnames(x)),
"names must be a character" =
"birthday must be a date" =
This will return an error if the class is not valid (defined in terms of the class’ invariants).
Now we can show how to error if one of the invariants are removed during subsetting.
`[.birthdays` <- function(x) {
birthdays[, -1]
# Error in validate_birthdays(NextMethod()) :
# input must contain 'name' and 'birthday' columns
The second design option is the reconstruct-on-subsetting. This
checks whether the class is valid, and if not downgrade the class to the
superclass, in our case a data frame. This is done by not only
validating the object during subsetting but to check whether it is a
valid class object, and then either ensuring all of the attributes of
the subclass – in our case <birthdays>
– are
maintained, or attributes are stripped and only the attributes of the
base superclass – in our case data.frame
– are kept.
Important note: this section of the post relies heavily on
The four functions that are required to be added to ensure our class is correctly handled when invaliding it are:
We’ll tackle the first three first, and then move onto to the last one as this requires some extra steps.
is a function that contains an
if-else statement to determine whether the returned object is a
or data.frame
birthdays_reconstruct <- function(x, to) {
if (birthdays_can_reconstruct(x)) {
df_reconstruct(x, to)
} else {
x <-
message("Removing crucial column in `<birthdays>` returning `<data.frame>`")
The if-else evaluation is controlled by
. This function determines
whether after subsetting the object is a valid
class. It checks whether the validator
fails, in which case it returns FALSE
, otherwise the
function will return TRUE
birthdays_can_reconstruct <- function(x) {
# check whether input is valid
valid <- tryCatch(
{ validate_birthdays(x) },
error = function(cnd) FALSE
# return boolean
The next function required is df_reconstruct()
. This is
called when the object is judged to be a valid
object and simply copies the attributes
over from the <birthdays>
class to the object being
df_reconstruct <- function(x, to) {
attrs <- attributes(to)
attrs$names <- names(x)
attrs$row.names <- .row_names_info(x, type = 0L)
attributes(x) <- attrs
The three functions defined for reconstruction can be added to a
package with the subsetting function in order to subset
objects and returning either
objects if still valid, or data frames
when invalidated. This design has the benefit that when conducting data
exploration a user is not faced with an error, but can continue with a
data frame, while being informed by the message printed to console in
`[.birthdays` <- function(x, ...) {
out <- NextMethod()
birthdays_reconstruct(out, x)
Compatibility with {dplyr}
In order to be able to operate on our <birthdays>
class using functions from the package {dplyr}, as would be common for
data frames, we need to make our function compatible. This is where the
function dplyr_reconstruct.birthdays()
comes in.
is a generic function exported by
{dplyr}. It is called in {dplyr} verbs to make sure that the objects are
restored to the input class when not invalidated.
dplyr_reconstruct.birthdays <- function(data, template) { # nolint
birthdays_reconstruct(data, template)
Information about the generic can be found through the {dplyr} help documentation.
As explained in the help documentation, {dplyr} also uses two base R
functions to perform data manipulation. names<-
(i.e the
names setter function) and [
the one-dimensional subsetting
function. We therefore define these methods for our custom class in
order for dplyr_reconstruct()
to work as intended.
`[.birthdays` <- function(x, ...) {
out <- NextMethod()
birthdays_reconstruct(out, x)
`names<-.birthdays` <- function(x, value) {
out <- NextMethod()
birthdays_reconstruct(out, x)
This wraps up the need for adding function to perform data manipulation using the reconstruction design outlined above.
However, there is some final housekeeping to do. In cases when
{dplyr} is not a package dependency (either imported or suggested), then
the S3 generic dplyr_reconstruct()
is required to be
loaded. In R versions before 3.6.0 – this also works for R versions
later than 3.6.0 – the generic function needs to be registered. This is
done by writing an .onLoad()
function, typically in a file
called zzz.R. This is included in this package for illustrative
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
s3_register("dplyr::dplyr_reconstruct", "birthdays")
The s3_register()
function used in
also needs to be added to the package and this
function is kindly supplied by both {vctrs} and {rlang} unlicensed and
thus can be copied into another package. See R packages6 for information about
and attaching and loading in general.
Since R version 3.6.0 this S3 generic registration happens
automatically with S3Method()
in the package namespace7 using the
{roxygen2} documentation
#' @exportS3Method dplyr::dplyr_reconstruct
. In this
package we depend on R >= 3.6.0 and thus can use this mechanism to
automatically register the {dplyr} generic.
There is one last option which prevents the hard dependency on a
relatively recent R version. Since {roxygen2} version 6.1.0, there is
the @rawNamespace
tag which allows insertion of text into
the NAMESPACE file. Using this tag the following code will check the
local R version and register the S3 method if equal to or above
#' @rawNamespace if (getRversion() >= "3.6.0") {
#' S3method(pkg::fun, class)
#' }
Each of the three options for registering S3 methods has different benefits and downsides, so the choice depends on the specific use-case. Over time it may be best to use the most up-to-date methods as packages are usually only maintained for a handful of recent R releases8.
Compatibility with {vctrs} is also possible using the same mechanism (functions) described in this post, and if interested see for details.
For other use-cases and discussions of the designs and implementations discussed in this post see:
This blog post is a compendium of information from sources that are linked and cited throughout. Please refer to those sites for more information and as the primary source for citation in further work.