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Extracts the colonisation, diversification, and endemicty data from phylogenetic and endemicity data and stores it in an Island_tbl object


  island_tbl = NULL,
  include_not_present = FALSE,
  nested_asr_species = c("split", "group"),
  force_nonendemic_singleton = FALSE,
  unique_clade_name = TRUE



A phylo4d object from the package phylobase containing phylogenetic and endemicity data for each species.


A character string specifying whether the colonisation time extracted is the minimum time (min) (before the present), or the most probable time under ancestral state reconstruction (asr).


An instance of the Island_tbl class.


A boolean determining whether species not present on the island should be included in island colonist when embedded within an island clade. Default is FALSE.


A character string which determines whether nested island colonists are split into separate colonists ("split"), or grouped into a single clade ("group"). Nested species are those whose tip state is on the island, and they have ancestral nodes on the island, but there are nodes in between these island state nodes that have the state not_present (i.e. not on the island). Therefore, the colonisation time can be extracted as the most recent node state on the island (this can be the branching time before the tip if the ancestor node of the tip is not on the island), or the older node state of the larger clade, for "split" or "group" respectively. Note This argument only applies when extraction_method = "asr".


A boolean that determines whether all species that are classified as "nonendemic" are forced to be extracted as singletons (i.e single species lineages). By default it is FALSE so non-endemics can be extracted either as singletons or part of an endemic clade. When set to TRUE all non-endemic species in the tree will be single species colonists, with the colonisation time extracted as the stem age for the tip in the phylogeny. There are some exceptions to this, please see vignette("Forcing_nonendemic_singleton", package = "DAISIEprep") for more details.

This argument is only active when extraction_method = "asr", when extraction_method = "min" this argument will be ignored with a warning, as the min method always extracts non-endemic species as singletons.


Boolean determining whether a unique species identifier is used as the clade name in the Island_tbl object or a genus name which may not be unique if that genus has several independent island colonisations


An object of Island_tbl class


  kind = "Mersenne-Twister",
  normal.kind = "Inversion",
  sample.kind = "Rejection"
phylo <- ape::rcoal(10)
phylo$tip.label <- c("bird_a", "bird_b", "bird_c", "bird_d", "bird_e",
                     "bird_f", "bird_g", "bird_h", "bird_i", "bird_j")
phylo <- phylobase::phylo4(phylo)
endemicity_status <- sample(
  c("not_present", "endemic", "nonendemic"),
  size = length(phylobase::tipLabels(phylo)),
  replace = TRUE,
  prob = c(0.6, 0.2, 0.2)
phylod <- phylobase::phylo4d(phylo,
extract_island_species(phylod, extraction_method = "min")
#> Class:  Island_tbl 
#>   clade_name     status missing_species   col_time col_max_age branching_times
#> 1     bird_g nonendemic               0 0.38003405       FALSE              NA
#> 2     bird_i    endemic               0 0.04960523       FALSE              NA
#>   min_age species clade_type
#> 1      NA  bird_g          1
#> 2      NA  bird_i          1