DAISIEmainland guide

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This guide is the long-form documentation of the DAISIEmainland R package. It covers the basics from installation (Section 1), to the algorithm used to simulate the data (Section 2), and the visualisation of the mainland (Section 3.1) and of the island (Section 3.2). Then there is a demonstration of the application of the DAISIEmainland package to the inference models in the DAISIE package (Section 4). Lastly, there is the visualisation of the summary and error metrics that can be calculated from simulated data (Section 5).


The DAISIEmainland package is used for simulating an island-mainland system. It primary purpose is the simulation of phylogenetic data sets of island species under a realistic model that incorporates evolutionary dynamics on the island and the mainland, from which the island species immigrate. This is in contrast to the inference and simulation models included in the DAISIE package (Etienne et al. 2022) which do not incorporate any changes in the mainland species through time.

This novel model of mainland dynamics opens up the possibility of testing the robustness of the DAISIE likelihood models under various scenarios of mainland dynamics. We also include the incomplete sampling of mainland species, either by not sampling a known species or an undiscovered species which is present on the mainland but not known. These different sampling regimes are both possible in empirical studies and thus the sensitivity of model performance to these are important for future studies employing the DAISIE inference framework.

There is an appendix (Section A) which contains details of the data structures used throughout the package, some of which are novel to this package and others are inherited from other packages (e.g. DAISIE). This appendix is meant for those looking to contribute and extend the DAISIEmainland package by explaining when certain data structures are used. If you are reading this guide to understand the general functionality of the package this section can be ignored.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.